A letter to Maddy

Created by Emma 7 years ago

I first met you when you had just turned 3 at Headstart Nursery in Bourne…… I was the nursery assistant and you had just gone up into the nursery room. You were so tall, taller than a lot that were heading off to school.

Just after you moved up to Primary school I met Paula in ‘Rainbow’ the Co-op which is now a housing estate! And she asked if I would like to come and look after her two children and you and Molly before and after school…. I jumped at a chance to work with two such lovely families.

I have so many memories about my time looking after you that is difficult to narrow it down to just a few to put on here.

You were always a tomboy, wanting to play sport all the time and you always said you would never be into make-up and dresses………. And vowed that boys were to play football with and definitely not to become close too “Yuck Boys!!!!”

Sabrina had broken her leg and I remember coming into your house after this had happened, Sabrina was laid in a crate with her leg in plaster bless her and you shouted at me “SHHHHHHHHH THE VET TOLD US SHE NEEDED QUIET, SO SHHHHHHHHHH” you made so much noise in telling me to be quiet that I am not convinced that it was doing as the vet had asked ha ha…. But from then on, we were nice and quiet and let Sabrina’s leg heal.

We had many games of hide and seek, one of your favourite hiding spots was to get yourself into the cupboard in the bedroom you shared with Molly…. it had drawers in the bottom and a cupboard at the top. I am still not quite sure how you managed to curl up your long legs into that cupboard and shut the door… maybe Narnia was behind it!

Talking of your bedroom, I can remember many disagreements between you and Molly about sharing a bedroom. There used to be things everywhere until you both decided the best thing to do would be to put the chests of drawers down the middle of the room and split it totally in two, even then you weren’t happy if Molly had to walk on your side of the room, but come on, give her a break the door was on your side so she had to really 😊 I think it was then that Mum decided to give you your own rooms, you were so happy when that happened.

During my time looking after you, My Dad passed away, I can always remember the love and compassion that your family and the Finches gave me at that time and I can also remember that when I next saw you, you gave me THE biggest hug that made everything slightly more bearable.

Lastly your love of elephants, you used to collect pictures of elephants (you had a scrapbook) in fact anything to do with elephants you liked. I sat with you one day in the school holiday you made a PowerPoint presentation all about elephants, not even a school project you just decided one day that that is what you wanted to do so we sat there together and made one.

Maddy I never really saw you much when I finished working for the two families when you had grown old enough not to need me anymore but have never forgotten you. I used to see Mum (mainly in the supermarket) and have a chat with her about how thing and used to catch up with things on Facebook too.

One big thing has stood out for me looking at mums Facebook and the updates she added was that no longer were you such a tom boy, shock horror you were actually wearing make-up and had turned into a beautiful young lady. (you were always beautiful)

Maddy you always had such a presence that always had a positive effect on anyone you came into contact with. I am so thankful that I became part of your life in this small way and will always treasure the memories I have of you, now more than ever.

Much love to you, be at peace
Emma xxxxxxxxxxx